Originally Posted by nhawk
Domain valuations on the internet are a bunch of bunk.
As an example..
We (my wife and I) own a domain that is exactly the name of our company. We've owned it for nearly 20 years. Most values given on the internet value it between $25 and $100.
Now the interesting part...
There is a company that produces a product that has the same name as our company. They have approached us several times offering anywhere from $2000 to $5000 for the domain. We have turned them down every time they approach us. The last time they contacted us I told them if they really wanted it, they could have it for $250,000.
Anyway, the moral of the story is the domain is worth whatever YOU think it's worth and what someone is willing to pay for it. Not some off the cuff estimate from the internet.
I gotta agree there with you.
it all depends on how YOU value that domain.
I might see 1 domain at a worth of REG FEE, but someone else maybe on the other side of the world will see it worth over $10,000.
it all depends on what you see it's value as.... So really, it's hard to value something unless it's based on just 1 reason.