Originally Posted by 4ngeluxpunk
Hi, when I give thanks to the product coming out in the counter is not updated the postbit have to go to AdminCP and recalculate thanks and repair the cache, to do or change to no longer do those steps and that automatically update the Thanksgiving on a thread. I await your prompt response.
This is not an issue anyone else have been able to reproduce as far as I know. Can you please run the "Rebuild Statistics" maintenance action and then recalculate?
Originally Posted by newbie2007
Hi. I've installed this and the like/thanks buttons don't seem to appear in any of the posts. I only get "Post Thanks / Like" under the username.
Can you help please? using vb4.2.2

Have you configured the usergroup permissions in the Manage Buttons interface?
Originally Posted by bigdadie
I installed user tagging lite. all files seem to be in the right place, tagging and mentions work as do emails but when the user goes to get the mentions from the notifications drop down, it brings up a 404 page not found error. any idea on what I did wrong?
vb 4.2.1
This might be the wrong thread for that issue