Are you sure you uploaded all the files from the mod to the proper places?
Did you follow all the installation instructions?
- Extract the archive.
- Choose the products you want to use and rename the configuration files in _UPLOAD/includes/cel/cel_pp_config from .php_new to .php
- If you're using Photopost Pro, you need to fill in some crucial information into the config file. Please see the config file for more information.
- Upload the contents of folder "_UPLOAD" to your forum root. Note how the folder structure mirrors the folder structure in your forum root, so every file will be in the right place.
- Now the Photo Popup and your chosen product configuration files will be present with default settings on your server. Later on, you may want to make adjustments there.
- Install the product file at AdminCP->Plugins & Products->Manage Addons.
- Template edits?
- If you are using new editor, you're done.
- If you are using old Editor and Template Modification System (TMS), you're done.
- If none of the above two conditions apply to you, do the template modifications explained in _DOCS/OLD_EDITOR_ONLY-template_edits.txt manually for the editors you want the popup accessible from.