Originally Posted by dreamygirl
I would like to see code to make /[forum-name] work without trailing slash, should be easy?
# Add / to the end of virtual directories. This resulted in URLs like /home/[user]/public_html/[forum-name]/ , which isn't what you want.
RewriteRule ^([^/.]+[^/])$ $1/ [R]
You can try the above, but it didn't work for me. Perhaps try it with [L] at the end instead of [R].
Originally Posted by dreamygirl
And to fix the last post and first new post links? That is a bug?
I don't know about this one. I reverted to vBSEO so won't be troubleshooting this mod any further.
Originally Posted by dreamygirl
What does your included code do - keep the casing in Friendly URLs?
No it's not about the casing. Now that you mention it I can't remember what it is for. It had something to do with a css file that was called relatively (as opposed to absolutely, and so was being looked for in the /[forum-name]/ directories), but that I didn't have the time to figure out how to fix it in the skin/templates.