My stupid question of the day...
Ok, so I'm trying to setup/run my vbulletinn forum in a somewhat minimalist way...
I disabled blogging right away and I'd like to make Articles disappear for now
I was able to the articles tab go away pretty easily, but promote to article and other such references are seemingly woven into the vb forums
Are articles something I should suck it up and utilize?
I'm starting up a pretty focused regional special user group and based on past building of many online communities, back before the Facebook founders were even born!
I just feel the need to minimize the content being created to just the forums and the Drive Thru Garage photo gallery, which although it has it's issues, it's as if I had a custom photo gallery written from scratch for my current project...
So are there a couple of checkboxes I'm missing to make articles and article related options go hibernate?