I've gotten most of the errors out of this for my installation. Now I'm stuck on this one. I can't seem to find a solution for it. I followed this
post for installation.
Fatal error: Call to a member function query_write() on a non-object in /home/cccc/theworld-r2.net/global.php(29) : eval()'d code on line 52
That error is from step 3 of 7 in the Diagnostics tab of vbMediaWiki.
Line 52 of my global.php is nothing. It doesn't even exist. It stops at line 51.
Forum display and integrated display do not work either. Only the Vector display setting works. Any one else have this issue?
Fixed the Fatal call by defining VB_INSTALL_PATH in diagnostics. If i took out the require_once for LocalSettings it stopped pushing out errors.
Next things I ran into was step 5. It wasn't pulling the data out of the forum for the mysql server. I actually had to go in and enter mysql information. It worked then. This is a big concern for me. I'm not sure why the
PHP Code:
$data = unserialize($vbulletin->options["mediawiki_db"]);
is not working correctly. But $data was always empty for me. So I went into phpmyadmin to make sure the settings where saved. They are saved correctly for me. So IDK whats up with that. I changed everything back to normal though in all the files I changed.
Still can't get any other dispaly working than Vector though.