Let me preface this by saying that I don't normally share my site on community review boards. I take the same approach to my board that Walt Disney took to Disneyland. He said that Disneyland would never be finished as long as there was imagination in the world. That it would keep growing and be ever changing. While the rest of the world had the mentality "if it aint' broke, don't fix it", Walt did the opposite and coined the phrase "plussing". That no matter how good something was, it could always be improved upon. That's how I treat City of Gamers. It's my Disneyland. It'll never be finished.
We were closed for two years due to server issues. And a lot of false starts and money issues plagued my efforts to reopen. But I never gave up and for the last two weeks I've been redesigning the skin and tweaking...well, everything. My host's staff and I are on a first name basis at this point. So while ordinarily one would post this here and ask for a more general review, I won't do that, considering my site's content is more than two years old, and I only officially soft opened this morning. And the skin has quite a few CSS tweaks and graphics to be finished.
No, I'm hoping you can give me some feedback on site performance and general vibe. (Okay, and maybe the skin, just a little.

) I'll edit in a couple of test accounts here in a moment, or, if you feel compelled to join, my registration options are something I wouldn't mind having given a run at. Not everything is enabled. So, naturally, there's some obvious missing features. But any bug reports would be welcome.
Ladies and gentlemen. I give you the City of Gamers Online Community (such as it is):