Originally Posted by dizzynation
Wonder if I can get this to work as a "migration" to a new domain name. For example, I set this up as directed, then just axe the domain name I am leaving. Hmmm any thoughts? BOP5?
Don't know why this mod would be necessary- you can do that with domain parking since (I assume) you want the same content on both domains...
- You have your current domain say aaa.com
- You have forum setup and working on aaa.com
- Then you buy bbb.com
- You use cpanel or ask your host to "park" bbb.com on your existing hosting account
- now going to bbb.com brings up the same exact page as aaa.com
- For vBulletin to work correctly from either domain you need to go to Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Site Name / URL / Contact Details and set "Always use base URL" to NO, and add bbb.com to the redirect domain whitelist
- At some point set an .htaccess file to permanently redirect aaa.com to bbb.com so you don't lost you old links.
- In a few years, let aaa.com expire if you really don't want it.