Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
What site (or tool?) are you using to determine the time to first byte?
I tried this site - http://www.webpagetest.org/result/131216_C3_GDG/ - but running the test several times with no changes and getting very different numbers each time.. from 0.3 seconds to 1.1 seconds and I haven't even turned the mod on or off.
I am using the same tool as you but after looking into it more cause couldn't believe it was just your mod It's my server!
I seen such a improvement due to i am using VB Optimize and it did a great job of covering up my first byte and load times when i enabled your mod the your script gets executed and my real issue is back!
Should have known it was not your work all along Sorry for the trouble! I just need a better server!
P.S. Great Mod! :up: