Originally Posted by scoutz
I can't get the buttons to display. And I already edited the buttons in the Button Management screen and set their Can Click permissions.
Every group has the "can click" marked. What can it be?
Edit: I got it to work.
It looks like this. Which template can I edit to fix the look? Also, can that be place inside the post area above the signature? Thanks
Attachment 147450
This is most commonly the result of CSS settings, namely the
background attribute of the
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, in
To fix it, please try the following steps:
Step 1) Remove all the contents of the
postbit_control_background StyleVar.
Step 2) If that didn't fix it, please enter the
postbit.css file and find the
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a, .eventbit .eventfoot .eventcontrols a { CSS class, and remove the
background: definition.
Putting the bar inside the signature is a Pro-only feature
Originally Posted by tenizmenu
Hi, I got some problems with this plugin.
some users have acces to give likes/dislikes/thanks, but many don`t have. Why?
And after someone give one like, he receive a message "invalid user .... " why?
Check the usergroup permissions per button in the AdminCP
Originally Posted by Mases
I am a Super Administrator on my forum and I've installed the mod.
When I go to Manage Buttons it says....
'Invalid Button: 0'
I see 'Post Thanks / Like ' on the sidebar under the usernames, but there is no way to actually like a post as there aren't any buttons displaying.
Please try clicking Repair Cache.