i am sorry for bumping this old thread but.., i still didn't mange to give admins the ability to edit other users status..
if anyone did mange to do that.., Please share it with us!
i manged to replace the :
<if condition="$userinfo['userid']==$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']">
with :
<if condition="($post['userid']==$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) OR ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6)">
to make admins able to see the "Edit" and "Save" buttons.., However, If they edited anyuser it would be changed to them.
Example (As an admin) .. :
if i changed my status to : "Is good." and saved it.. every thing is fine.
but when i want to change someone's else status.. Like from "has no status." to "Is fine." (or anything else..)
That user's(which i changed his status) Only appears(his status) as i changed it to. (The "Is fine." status) until i reload the page.. then his status changes to "has no status." and my status changes to "Is fine." (As if i edited my own status!)
So.., is there anyfix for this?
i think that it is aproblem in the "vbstatus_class.php" file.. :
if(!function_exists ( 'iconv' )){
function iconv($string){
return $string;
class att_object{
function att_object(){
class vbstatus_class{
function vbstatus_class()
global $att;
global $data;
$this->att = $att;
$this->data = $data;
$this->JSON = new JSON;
function process_status($status,$change_encoding=True)
global $vbulletin;
$status = iconv('utf-8',$vbulletin->options['vbstatus_charset'],$status);
$charcount=strlen ($status);
return '[Too Long]';
$status=wordwrap($status, $vbulletin->options['vbstatus_wordwrap'], "\n", true);
return $status;
function change_status($userid,$status)
$return = new att_object();
$return->updated_status = $this->process_status($status,False);
$status = $this->process_status($status);
$userinfo = $this->data->execute('select1');
return $this->JSON->serialize($return);
However.., i am not sure.. :/
Thanks in advanced.