Order of styles and scripts
Hello all,
Can someone point me in the right direction how to troubleshoot the order of styles and scripts?
In the example below there are (7) but I haven't turned on all the mods yet. When I enable all mods I have about (14) scripts instead of the 7.
As far as I can see the vbulletin-core.js is the first to load, but when I move that .js script down in de 'headinclude' I still get the same amount of numbers in the 'styles and scripts'.
Is the 'headinclude' not the correct file the change the order, or is looking at the source code not the correct way to find what .js file is the first to load?
Optimize the order of styles and scripts (7)
The following external CSS files were included after an external JavaScript file in the document head. To ensure CSS files are downloaded in parallel, always include external CSS before external JavaScript.
1 inline script block was found in the head between an external CSS file and another resource. To allow parallel downloading, move the inline script before the external CSS file, or after the next resource.
Thank you