Yup, it's consistently like that on all skins and all their usergroups have the 150x150 setting. Right now I have GeekyDesigns' turned on, and your's off. That's when I get the different size avatars. When I use yours, those particular users get no avatars.
Upon closer examination, it appears these users had custom avatars at one time. I can't remember an event that would have lost them, other than a server migration from 100 years ago that did go well. (And, inexplicably, no one seemed to ever want to try to replace their missing avatars.) The avatars are still being stored, but their corrupted somehow. (I actually see a broken image on their account in the Admin CP.) It's looking more and more like I'll just have to remove these avatars manually. But I'm hoping it's not a symptomatic of a larger problem.