Originally Posted by MikeBeams
Can you tell me if and how to add an option where I can set it so only certain usergroups can use this?
The easiest way would be to simply add a few lines of code that say 'only this usergroup may display a userbadge' while the option would still appear under other usergroups, the images wouldn't display.
I'll update this post later when I have the time to work out the code. I might also try and update with how to make the option usergroup specific. I'm currently at university right now and have finals today. I apologize for the inconvenient wait.
A vb condition should take care of this. Try this:
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, x,x,x)">Wrap these around the userbadge code.</vb:if>
If you only need one usergroup then remove the second and third 'x' replacing the first with the usergroup id you want. This will allow users of a single or multiple usergroups to display their user badge.