Dealing with a little weird issue, which I've had for a while now, but never really looked into. I've installed a couple of different default avatar modifications, and each one indicated that there was something amis with particular user profiles.
I've had
this one by GeekyDesigns installed forever, and using it, specific users (no particular usergroup) would get the default avatar, but it would not be sized properly. My default settings are 150x150, and they'd be resized to 80x80. But only specific users. Not globally.
Then I tried
Ozzy's today, and interestingly those same users' avatars don't display at all.
In fact, in the Admin CP I find a broken image is the selected avatar, and it actually links to what appears to be a
corrupted image on the server.
think these user had custom avatars at one time, and something happened so far back that I failed to log properly, so I can't backtrack to exactly when it happened. But rebuilding custom avatars doesn't seem to do anything. An example would be the user DaGuyWitBlueGlasses on
this thread. I'm toggling between different modifications at the moment to try and debug, but depending on what I have turned on you may see a tiny default avatar, or no avatar at all. Maybe somebody can point me in the right direction.