HELP! Users Settings / Edit Setting - Members unable to edit their profiles
I need some assistance, I have no idea what is causing the problem... Members (including myself logged in as the admin), are not able to edit their User Settings / Edit Profile. The avatar is change able, but they can not go in and edit their profile info.
When trying to access / edit by clicking on the upper right hand drop down box and selecting "User Settings" or when they try going to their profile and clicking on "edit settings", you are sent to a page with an error message that reads as follows:
Debug: Error
Invalid Page URL. If this is an error and the page should exist, please contact the system administrator and tell them how you got this message.
occurred in file /home1/rideorro/public_html/includes/vb5/frontend/routing.php on line 223
⦁ Function setRoutes in file /home1/rideorro/public_html/includes/vb5/frontend/application.php line 9
⦁ Function init in file /home1/rideorro/public_html/index.php line 44
(I have no idea what any of this means)
What I have done so far,
1. In the AdminCP > Products & Hooks > Manage Hooks - I unchecked all the active boxes
2. Created a completely default / stock template
4. Turned off public visibility to the page (don't know how to create a test forum and was suggested not to run debugging on a live forum)
3. Edited some code to turn on "debug" mode Lynne had provided me with.
I am still unable to tell what's going on here... as far as I can tell, it looks like maybe a page is missing? If that's the case I have not idea how to restore it.
Thanks in advance for any possible help. The page has been down for a few days now. I have attached some screen shots, incase my information above was confusing.