Ok whatever, a XF supporter lurking on VB to bash here whoever criticize XF and bash VB there, no big deal. Why do you even bother? Your numbers are limited and the truth will come out and in the end, well guess what, you guys can support Mike, Kier and Ashley with your mods/plugin when customers finds the truth and leave XF - it is only a matter of time.
All customers have to do is disagree with the way XF are being hypocrites to see the truth, it is that simple. XF didn't have any rules, trolled and spread hate, and drama and all for their own benefit, not to mention stealing community and members from VB during their critical time VB5. Many felt for it thinking they are the rescue guys but it doesn't take too long to realize that building history takes years not an instant.
No matter what, you don't say this to a customer. You don't and as a founder of a company not an employee, well we've seen XF true color.
Thank you.