FMHQ wants to do one of their own and dumped the other 16 I did for them to go with just one theme for the site. So now the theme is being changed up to be used as the main theme for the distribber support site.
They upgraded to the suite yesterday as well so I am updating it for that as well. It started as a 4.1.9 suite theme, with blog and cms off as they never used it. then went to 4.2.1 support and now it is on 4.2.2 suite.. They started messing with the last theme I created for them and this was my branch off from that, which they won't use..
I gave them the option to use it as they are way behind in what they are doing and put an incomplete theme live before it was ready. It's why I did this one to begin with to help them out but they want to do their own thing.
Everything works fine in the theme and I only have the footer in the cms the straiten out. I think there is a div missing somewhere. Not surprising considering it's life..
Some new pics of it. you can also go check it out at
distribber if you want.
The upgrade to the site is not correct, but running fine, version mismatch issue. He got the wrong version of suite I think for the upgrade so that need to be sorted but you can't tell by looking at it as everything works.
I will have to completely recompile the theme on a fresh due to the jumping around it's done so that it's as streamlined as it can get and there are no template mismatches with it. The fm guys were modding it pretty much opisite of the way you should and all that needs to be undone in it and all of it that can be done in the vars set for it instead of the css overwrite they did. It pretty much will have them cleaning up the same mess they made of my theme if they ever upgrade from 4.1.9.
distribber will be using what you see but I will be branching off with this once it's cleaned up and 4.2.2 ready.