I am running version 4.2.0 and am using this with version 7.83 of the thank you hack, with all the updates through the thread. All was fine until a few days ago, of course with 0 changes to my site or this hack.
Anyway, when someone clicks on "recent_thanks", much of the time it hangs or takes forever. Then while it's hanging, I get a SQL database error emailed to me that the "server has gone away". Nothing else on my site causes this to happen.
I assume when someone click on this, it does a query for the last 25 thanks received and displays them. Somehow this script is causing the SQL server to hang. I did recently move between providers.
Could this be a database problem? Or maybe something with a file? This is the email I receive, with personal stuff redacted. Thanks to anyone that can point me in right direction!!
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT post_thanks.postid, post_thanks.date, post_thanks.username, post_thanks.userid, thread.title
FROM post_thanks AS post_thanks
LEFT JOIN post AS post
ON post_thanks.postid = post.postid
LEFT JOIN thread AS thread
ON thread.threadid = post.threadid
WHERE post.userid = '23'
ORDER BY post_thanks.id DESC
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Friday, December 6th 2013 @ 09:15:16 AM
Error Date : Friday, December 6th 2013 @ 09:16:18 AM
Script : http://www.***.com/recent_thanks.php
Referrer : http://www.***.com/forum.php
IP Address : 208.102.*.*