Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
That's actually a "Won't Fix" issue - the count is slightly inaccurate for performance reasons. It was either that issue with a significant increase in performance, or sluggish performance that could bring down large forums.
Originally Posted by Ashar
this product stop when me import plz give me pm how i can slove this problem
Importing Product, Please Wait...
Updating Version Number To: 1.0.0
Altered Table: administrator
Altered Table: forum
Altered Table: post
Altered Table: user
Altered Table: usergroup
Created Table: dbtech_thanks_entry
Updating Version Number To: 1.0.1
Updating Version Number To: 1.1.0
Altered Table: dbtech_thanks_entry
Altered Table: forum
Ashar. It takes ages when you have bigger forums until it returns.
I had now time to compare the original thank you hack to yours.
Here are my impressions:
-Abe's hack is done in a plain fashion, is free AND offers already anything one needs such as to remove thanks and even to remove any thanks of a post by administrators at the posts directly without to have to go to the admin CP.
-It has no performance issues like yours and displays posts with 7000 thanks quickly without the need to raise php memory to 512 MB!!!.... (128 MB) is enough.
-There is actually no technical reason why
since the original did that very well with 128 MByte of php memory.
-The maintenance functions of the original hack ran much faster than yours (same amount of thanks).
-The hottest threads / posts statistic page loads slowly!
-And there is no obvious reason why there should be excess pages at the thanks / likes register! Count inaccurate for performance reason? This makes no sense from a technical POV except it compensates an issue but does not really eliminate it.
Any threads themselves have accurate amount of pages and do not need more than 128 MB php memory to be displayed!
-To pay 60 bucks to have an original free feature to delete thanks is more than questionable with those performance issues.
Consider it as constructive criticism...

Do you plan code / performance optimization?
TBH it would be essential.