Some vbulletin problems.
hello world, I have some problems with my forum.
1. When I hit "enter" in a new reply I get a new line, but after I POST the message, all the lines transform in ALL single line. ( Only few members can post with no problems )
2. In a new post I don't have the BB codes and smiles, again, only few members don`t have problems.
3. When I select 3-10-20 threads and want to move/delete/etc. I get a message "Invalit thread specified.
4. When I move/redirect a thread, I can't remove the redirect from the other category. It still have that subline "redirected".
5. Some users have problems with new reply. In settings I set for a new reply interval to 30 sec, but some users get an error that they need to wait another 1700 sec for a new reply.
6. How I can remove from my forum the SSL ? "https", and return to HTTP with ALL the stuff? Because some users can't acces my forum to https, only http.
Please help me.