Fatal error: Cannot redeclare vB_BlockType_Dbtech_status::getData() in /var/www/site/public/forums/includes/block/dbtech_status.php on line 79
I cannot uninstall even with disable_hooks enabled, and this is really cramping up my board. Please fix asap
Now that I've been somewhat able to uninstall the product by adding and removing }'s around misc .php files, I have some credit garble on the top of my site looking like:
ngVariables['utm_source'] . '&utm_campaign=Footer%2BLinks&utm_medium=' . urlencode(str_replace(' ', '+', $brandingVariables['title'])) . '&utm_content=' . $brandingVariables['utm_content'] . ($brandingVariables['referrerid'] ? '&referrerid=' . $brandingVariables['referrerid'] : '') . '" target="_blank">' . $brandingVariables['title'] . ($brandingVariables['displayversion'] ? ' v' . $brandingVariables['version'] : '') . $brandingVariables['producttype'] . ' - vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright © ' . date('Y') . ' DragonByte Technologies Ltd.' . ($brandingVariables['showhivel'] ? ' Runs best on HiVelocity Hosting.' : ''); $vbulletin->options['copyrighttext'] = (trim($vbulletin->options['copyrighttext']) != '' ? $str . '
' . $vbulletin->options['copyrighttext'] : $str); } ?>_position'] == 0){ $outputtabs .= $locatetabs; } $outputtabs .=''; ?>} ?>
Please private message me on what I should reinstall to try and clear that up