Originally Posted by goarack
i changed my mind im going to stay with vb 4x too much done on it and dont feel like having to reset every thing.
what i would like is to find some one that can fix the templates to look good though mobile style on mobile devices
I think you might want to know I haven't found any support for mobile styles which is why I just refer people to use Tapatalk. Vbulletin is going nowhere at the moment with anyone designating styles to vbulletin mobile. I hate to say it but xenforo community skin developers seem a bit more focused with adding mobile styles but they usually are not free at least the decent ones...
You might be able to talk to Sean at
http://www.bluepearl-skins.com he makes themes for vbulletin and xenforo but haven't seen him designate anything towards mobile styling with vbulletin.
I purchased vbulletin 5 and was disappointed so slow with development (CMS) and for me nothing other than a few mods here and some of my favorite dbtech mods are on it but want someone to make vbgamez on it before I switch over... I suppose if I offered a crazy amount of money I might interest someone but many coders have no idea how many gamer websites depend on vbulletin there just isn't enough people or websites using vbgamez to convince anyone to carry it on. Also vbgamez requires game ports to be open on their web hosting accounts which creates another hurdle unless someone is willing to host the query script for the masses.