I found the plugin which make that all problem
plugin: NLP - User Text Formatting -init our vars
Hook: global_state_check
PHP Code:
// include(DIR . "/products_svn/nlp_usertextformatting/global_state_check.php");
if($vbulletin->options['nlp_usertextformatting_active']) {
// Setup usertextformatting -> added to vBulletin Object.
$vbulletin->usertextformatting =& unserialize($vbulletin->userinfo['usertextformatting']);
// allowed usergorups. Init
$vbulletin->usertextformatting['groups'] = unserialize($vbulletin->options['nlp_usertextformatting_groups']);
// check Groups. (using is_member_of(); to get acutal user group. (more than one group))
if(!is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, $vbulletin->usertextformatting['groups'])) {
// if not .. disable mod.
$vbulletin->options['nlp_usertextformatting_active'] = false;
// locations init.
$vbulletin->usertextformatting['loc'] = unserialize($vbulletin->options['nlp_usertextformatting_locations']);
// check locations.
if(THIS_SCRIPT !== 'profile' AND (!isset($vbulletin->usertextformatting['loc'][THIS_SCRIPT]) OR $vbulletin->usertextformatting['loc'][THIS_SCRIPT] == false)) {
$vbulletin->options['nlp_usertextformatting_active'] = false;
anyone can fix this code to make is working without problem ?
\\ edit
specially in this line
$vbulletin->usertextformatting =& unserialize($vbulletin->userinfo['usertextformatting']);
and if you remove the '&'
to be
$vbulletin->usertextformatting = unserialize($vbulletin->userinfo['usertextformatting']);
the error will gone , but the mod will not working,
anyone can test on it and fix this code ?