The simple answer: if you don't want to share then don't put it on the internet.
There are methods of making life very difficult for website harvesting bots aka site scrapers but against a human cut & pasting there is no credible defense. Some folk of course do still disable the right-click action on the mouse but of course any web dev with half a brain will just view the source code and lift it out that way.
You could of course wrap your code up in a PDF but this plays merry havoc with SEO as search bots cannot read them, but it does take a bit longer to extract information from them.
All the above may sound a bit demoralizing but on the flip-side Google has a long memory and is well used to spotting duplicate content. It will remember where the content first appeared and reward that site accordingly.
Of course as a last resort make the site private and hide it behind a password, inviting in only
those that you trust.