2 Days ago my site is SUSPEND SO bad Feel
Hello everyone i am so sad because 2 days ago my site is Suspend and server have no access when i email to my server he says your site using physically memory so high i dont know how using high and server suspend my site. so feeling is so bad and server support says use VPS but every price is so high so i cant afford this.
I want to know how my site using memory so high ? any method for checking ?
How i optimize my script i dont know what script eating memory ?
i have not a big traffic daily online members 12 15 and maximum 20. and guest in 24 hours like 12 to 1500 only.
How i check my script and how to optimize ?
how to optimize script using .htaccess ? (i dont know how to use .htaccess)
Please everyone give me suggestion and tell me Step by Step please.........
Today i buy new server and i have a backup when i upload but i am worried about new server so i want to optimize first.
Thank you