Originally Posted by bazookajoe
I just upgraded from vb3.8 to vb4.2.1 and the rotating banner mod is not working. Is this mod compatible with the vb4 advertising system? I much prefer using this than the built in banner ad system.
Yes, but most probably your styles got updated and overwritten.
Originally Posted by Forensic
Lots of people using 4.2.x in here. I am still on 4.2.1 myself.
did you add
<div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div>
to the vb advertising in admincp?
Have you disabled all other plugins first?
Can't make many suggestions without more details.
This is the code for showing all the banners from location 0.
Originally Posted by bazookajoe
Thanks for the quick reply! I didnt add that code...whats that supposed to do?
I haven't disabled any banner or advertising plugins as there aren't any except for the vb4 (with suite) advertising.
Upgrading from 3.x to 4.x has essentially destroyed any customisation of styles. with the above code in one or all of the advertising sections, your banners should be up again.