Very nice hack, Vivi. I set up a private test forum - a fresh, clean install of 2.2.5, and mostly everything looks like it is functioning properly on the admin backend. I run into the first error at the "Donate" function. It looks like your hack doesn't escape apostrophe's appropriately. There are also some other bugs that I have itemized below for your reference.
1. No Apostrophe Escape
Database error in vBulletin 2.2.5:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE items SET stock='5' WHERE name='Cat's Claws'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 's Claws'' at line 1
mysql error number: 1064
-- snip --
I fixed the above problem by simply removing any problem items that used apostrophes ('). We also get the same errors when you try to add any Item whose name OR description have either an apostrophe or a quote (").
2. Donate Error
Your donate URL, as you specified it in postbits, is incorrect. The correct URL, whether or not you use JavaScript, should be as follows:
<a href="itemshop.php?action=donate&user=$post[userid]">Donate</a>
Previously, you didn't have the
$post[userid] variable, and instead just referenced [userid]. Changing this fixed it for me.
3. Sold Item Graphic Remains
When you sell an item, the graphic for the previous (sold) item remains even though you have no item listed in the appropriate slot. When you purchase a new item, fortunately, the new item graphic icon replaces the old item graphic. This can be fixed if you clear out the value for your categorical icon in use.
I'll continue testing and let you know if I run into anything else.