Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns
I didn't start any g-ddamn rumors. I asked a simple question to which you replied with a smartass, wittless & insulting comment, as if you know me. Indeed you don't know me and I have no clue who you think you are. I truly don't care to be perfectly honestly. I was curious as to the defensive tone your posts reeked of as concerns the spammer though... So I asked you. That's all.
Whatever the case may be. Please stop with your patronizing remarks when mentioning my name. It makes you look classless, offensive and quite honestly: absurd.
You're a drama queen and instead of reporting one of your
post i liked it. You're one of those members who won't stop and will keep rambling and rambling for the sake of attention until you're ignored. If this is your aim, be my guess (:
You should go back to Xenforo if you hate VB that much and all i see is trolling lately.