I hope I am adding value to the forum, and not becoming annoying with all my style var questions... I think I am nearly done, so thats good news.
One last thing I can not figure out for the life of me is how to adjust the setting/color for the "content-entry" area of the forum. I would prefer to leave it as is, but the options that control the text in this section control other text on the site. The users asked for a dark background so I need a lighter text. So the text color in the content entry area "reply /quick reply" area of a post/thread is very similar to the color of the background.
my guess is "Content Entry Panel Background" under StylVar>content-entry>content entry panel background , would control this feature... however as you can see (
www.RideorRot.com) it is still come up as an off white / yellowish color. I have the above mentioned var set (as a test) to hot pink. It is not that color anywhere I can find in the forum let alone the area I believe it should be controlling.
Is there something causing a problem from this working, or is there no style var for this option. How do I resolve so that this area is easy to read and use for the page members?