the last few years i have been fine using my forums using FF and different user in IE same computer. Log out was fine, like again IE user would be logged in.
anyway, for the computer test. im on the laptop atm and the computer on this forum. i'll log out on the laptop now and see if it logs me out on my computer in the other room lol. brb.
EDIT: walked to computer room, jumped on the computer and clicked refresh and are still logged into and just hit edit.
when i first started my forum in 2006, i would log into FF as one user and IE as another user on one CP and just post to make it look like members were online posting. to go over board, i logged in on 4 different computers in the same house with 8 made up members to post and make it look like 8 members we online lol. FF/IE on all 4 computers. Wow get a life Shawn!
i noticed you can also now use chrome, FF and IE and have 3 different members on 1 computer.
anyways, sorry to just blab on kh99. its just good to be back on posting again after so long.
good luck with what you're trying to do cheech47.