i guess you are talking about the members user profiles and vbulletin 4 right side column? why couldn't you re-size the video? or even use the <center>...</center> Tags <div align=center>....</div>
<div align=center><a href="http://forums.com/forumdisplay.php?9-AG-Illuminatus"><img src="images/misc/banners/blah.jpg"></a></div>
i personally would not mess with of the sidebar profile coding as it just messes shit up. but yet,
Maybe BBcode could work:
<a href="http://forums.com/forumdisplay.php?9-AG-Illuminatus"><img src="images/misc/banners/blah.jpg" width="200" height="150"></a></div>
not tested.
when i seen the title "Centering User Ranks", i thought this will be an easy one as your thread is in the VB3.x.x section. i thought it would be centering ranks in post_bit. but anyways.