Originally posted by snyx
sorry, but I just don't understand this hack?! its a itemshop where you buy stuff? okay... well whats the point? how do you tell if a user has bought something? how to you make currency to buy these items? sorry but im just a little behind
well, the items are displayed in the postbit template (which i forgot to do, btw. i'll have it done tomorrow. it's too late now). You make money by posting. The amount of money that is added is also specified in the cp.
It's pretty fun. All the rpg boads want thiskind of stuff.
And not only rpg boards. take my example above. make a couple of categories > computer components. then change the points to dolars. member will be able to buy their own computer, piece by piece.
Originally posted by xiphoid
You do sound like a 8 year old in that little story, but I understand why you wrote it. Thank you for explaining, and I am considering this one for installation.
I am doubting on a few things though:
First you say: This is easy 5 steps, ..
Then I read: only files & templates have to be done manually.
First I read: No need for screenshots, nothing has changed.
Then I read: but it looks better, way better!
err? Isn't it worth a screenshot or 2 in action then? Or a site where we can browse through as a guest (or test account)?
You talk about a battle thingy, is it included in this release? And if not, can we expect it soon? And what are possible other features you are currently working on?
Has this been tested on several boards, and which versions if I may ask?
- not trying to sound harsh here, just have questions! -
well, the installer adds the tables and templates. but you have to do the file edits.
the looks haven't changed very much, just the script itself.
it has been tested on 3 boards, and it should work on all vb versions.
screenshots part2