Originally Posted by dr.reddy
please post video explaining this banner system so that everyone can learn how to upload files...if already video was posted please let me know link. thanks
I assume when referring to "upload files" you are asking about "How to install this modification?"
It is just like every other modification install you will come across...
1) Download the latest version of the modification.
In this instance it is 2.4.2.rbs.zip
2) Unzip modification.
3) Upload files to their respective directories.
In general this is the same for almost every vBulletin modification:
a) All files within the "upload" directory are uploaded as if upload = your forum directory.
b) product-xxxxxxx.xml are always imported (this is usually shown as a single file outside of the upload directory). This is done through "Manage Products" under Plugins & Products in the vbulletin admincp.
If you want further details or a video, google "vbulletin modification install", there are plenty of other references already out there.