Originally Posted by cellarius
Just because you don't get what people like about xF, it does not mean people are "joining a bandwagon" or blindly following some devs.
Most funny of all is your statement that you won't move away from vB, no matter how ignorant IB behaves, because vB has had a great history. If you're still hoping for a change in business pracitce - well, good luck with that. We've been waiting for five years for that to happen. Maybe you'll think different after another five years.
Time will tell but currently VB wins over Xenforo for me. I am looking for a good 'Complete' product - feature rich, so i won't abandon VB just because IB is so bad. There are other means that can force IB to change their business practice, more public criticism. No one likes to sell a business and yet instead of receiving good publicity, receive bad criticism. I haven't seen bad criticism about IB that would cause them to worry and start revising themselves, what i saw is criticism toward VB instead of IB more.
You can't put words in my mouth because i never said this. I quotes some of the replies when others say Xenforo is catching up with VB. That is just a plain dream or a lie. It is not about "I don't like what ppl like about Xenforo" I am a member there and i have test it myself and found lack of major features, especially when it comes to the admincp.
It has already reached and surpassed the level of vb 4 functions, and bug free
We know you support Xenforo and you sell mods there, it is ok to support what helps you make money or the fact you don't like IB, but it is not ok to support wrong facts.
And the fact that we want to see for instance the new Ckeditor on vb 4.x , and it is not done yet because it is time consuming, it would be hypocrite of me and others to demand it when Xenforo have completely choose the easy way out and implemented the Redactor editor which is ugly; simple but ugly and not feature rich.