Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
Oh really... can you make custom BB codes yet? No?
Can you upload smileys directly from the Admin CP yet? No?
Does it have Blogs or Articles yet? No?
Does it have Multi-quote yet? Kind of? You mean i have to scroll all the way back up again each time I hit reply? So No?
Does it have a way to leave comments when you "Like" something? No?
Does it have 1800 FREE modifications? No? Does it have ANY free modifications anymore? That's a serious question, I haven't looked in a while.
Does everyone need all the features above? Of course not- but there is no way you can say it has surpassed vBulletin in functionality... In stability, yes, perhaps- but simpler software is easier to keep bug free.
Truth is XF hasn't even hit VB 3.x level of features yet, let alone VB 4.x.
It may well surpass VB4 one day, but it hasn't happened yet. I don't hate XenForo mind you, but reality is reality. The only forum software I truly despise is IPB.
VB has everything, but the fact - vB users are still moving to XF.