Originally Posted by nhawk
DON'T use the useragent to ban someone unless you really know what you're doing.
If you ban someone with this useragent..
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0
You'll ban EVERYONE that is using Windows XP with Firefox version 23.
That's.... Not exactly for sure 100% verified is it? When using Simon's hack?
Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
And as a non-technical addition to the above info, be more persistent than him. Disruptive users fall into the same classes as bullies. They persist because they know they know it gets to you, and the results entertain them. Show them that they're putting in more effort at being a nuisance than you are at stopping them. When they realize they're nothing to you, they'll loose interest, stop having fun anymore and go away.
Yes much better put than i tried to do earlier.