Anyone seen issues with people getting like 28 trillion in vcash? Our forum is large and has hiccups everynow and then so I thinking the users is placing a bet and it's going through but doesn't appear to go through then the user places the bet again and then end up with a negative value. Now I'm assuming the variable being used is unsigned so instead of the negative value it's showing the extremely large value.
Originally Posted by Jay-C
Ahhhhh you took my money  .. Once I placed all my bets I had 200 vcash and put it all on Bama and it froze up and clicked again and instead of saying I had 0vcash it gave me all that money.. Although I tried to bet to see if it would let me but it wouldn't, all my bets were my money except it voted for Bama twice  so minus the $200 all the bets were legit.. I should have 0 as of now, do I get any points for being honest:jest:??
I'm on a old phone so forgive my spelling  ..