Originally Posted by squidsk
If you got banned from google then previously you would have received warnings from them telling you which pages/images were causing problems, go through those notices and deal with the images.
You don't understand. I know exactly what I need to do, I've been running forums for 12 years.

We run a big board with millions of posts. We have had many warnings about images and removed every single one of them. But it's impossible to remove all problematic images from all posts without checking every single one of them, which again is impossible. So eventually they disabled our ads because too many warnings were given. We didn't even know they would disable the ads, we always removed all problems.
Now we need to completely clean the site to get the site approved again. So we need a system to quickly scan all posted images.
Hopefully someone is interested in creating this useful mod, so others can benefit from it, if not then it will be a paid mod.