Originally Posted by pwhitehead
but are the yui names needed for the classes? or can i use my own class names for each one of the tables? you guys keep beating around the bush and turn away from explaining.
First, "be nice", no one here has to answer your questions, most/all of us volunteer are time to help others in this community, think of us as enthusiasts. This is "not" vbulletin support.
Second, @Lynne answered your question -- in my opinion -- correctly, and referred you to the YUI manual.
Third, sometimes we do not know the answer, because we haven't worked on that section of the code ourselves. So we then try to steer you in the right direction, like supporting documents.
You will get the most help here when we can clearly understand your programming goal and we can follow along in your project, otherwise we have no real vested interest in what you are doing. References to your code should be provided for convenience. If it's vbulletin code, you cannot post it, but you can refer to a file/line# where we can follow along.
I hope this will help you in understanding the community here. It is all good.