Show a list of all posts with [IMG] hotlinked in them
I need a mod that allows me to quickly view a list of all posts with [IMG] code in them. The images need to show hotlinked in the list so I can immediately see what the image is about.
In other words, an [IMG] gallery for the whole forum with the more recent posts at the top of the list. Ideally, the images need to be reduced to large thumbnails so a quick view of many images is possible.
There needs to be an easy way to go to the original post so it can be edited. Or even edit the post within the list.
Reason for the mod request: Google wants forums that use AdSense to filter all images for porn or erotica, even slightly nude can be a problem. We recently got kicked out Adsense and now we need to find a way to quicky filter all images posted on the forum for prohibited content.
If there's no interest I will do a paid request (but not release it).