Originally Posted by motorhaven
Again, I ask... why the silence? This explains why the VB.org site was mysteriously down last night!
So you believe that vB.org and vB.com were hacked, going by the time stamp on your post, Thursday.
Originally Posted by motorhaven
2. It happened at the same time both VB.com and VB.org sites were mysteriously down.
And at the same time as MacRumors.
Originally Posted by motorhaven
Test QA system or not the screen shots show access to vb.org, vb.com, flyertalk and 5series.net information. What exposure did users of these forums have?
And into a vBulletin 3 site using a vBulletin 4 exploit.
Originally Posted by motorhaven
The crackers used the VB database to get a password to a person who is a moderator on MacRumors. They then used to this to hack MacRumors because the moderator used the same password on both sites. MacRumors admitted to the hack. Or are they just making it up too?
Originally Posted by motorhaven
You aren't paying attention to what I said. The password to Macrumors to was obtained BECAUSE VB.com was hacked. Once someone obtains access to a vb database it doesn't take much computational power to crack the passwords. MD5 password protection is weak. It's been a known weak hash method since 1996, and more weaknesses found in 2004.
Then they used the information they hacked from vBulletin.org Thursday, to hack into MacRumors....
on Monday????
Either the hackers are time travellers or, as was repeatedly stated, hacking had nothing to do with
.com and
.org being down last night. Which would explain how you get into a vB3 site using a vB4 exploit. You don't.
You can see where this information all seems kinda suspicious, especially since MacRumors says they were hacked in a similar manner to the way Ubuntu Forums was hacked. And Ubuntu Forums was hacked
in July. Again, there's no suspicious timing with vBulletin being down yesterday that coincides with either of these forums being hacked. In both cases, a moderator/administrator having their personal accounts hacked. Why would you need to hack vB.com and vB.org .... to hack a completely different website in the exact same manner? To borrow from ozzy's analogy, that's stealing the keys to the Chevy. Hot wiring the Ford. Then saying the Chevy made me do it. It doesn't make a lick of sense.