Originally Posted by Paul M
You are making stuff up here.
1. I stated (correctly) that the server they hacked was an old QA stage server.
2. The server was not hacked yesterday, the screenshots date it at sometime in October (more than likely they did it even earlier, just took later shots).
3. vb.org & vb.com were last down (12th/13th depending on your timezone) because of scheduled work on the database server.
You are free to discuss this situation on vb.org, you are not free to make up stuff.
IB really needs to invest in CRM (last sentence of your reply). There is a big difference between "making stuff up" and not having information which agrees with yours.
Test QA system or not the screen shots show access to vb.org, vb.com, flyertalk and 5series.net information. What exposure did users of these forums have?