Originally Posted by ozzy47
I seriously doubt such a thing happened, but if it truely did, I am sure we would be advised of it.
1. A contractor for VB has already admitted it, then tried to bluff it out by saying it was "beta" installation on their server which was hit. But BOTH .com and .org were down, and screen shots show access to non-beta installations.
2. It happened at the same time both VB.com and VB.org sites were mysteriously down.
3. The Mac site has already widely reported in the press.... then again they did the
right thing and told their users immediately.
4. Just a few weeks ago the install directory exploit was reported by VB, and they pulled a similar move not broadcasting that there was an exploit until it was already widely known. I did consulting cleaning up hacked VB sites. This is not something I care to do with my consulting time, because it's money out of small business pockets they should not have had to spend!
I have defended the product for a long time when others haven't --- this I cannot.