Originally Posted by TheAllusionist
I am bridging/integrating vBulletin with Joomla CMS and I have a lot of vBulletin users with names with spaces and special characters that Joomla doesn't accept. Is there some SQL Query verbiage or a mod that I can use to elliminate spaces and special characters? I know that I need to adjust vBulletin now to not allow them, I am asking about modifying existing ones.
Thanks in advance.
there a free mod at
http://www.jfusion.org/ its a Component for joomla and can bridge vbulletin 3x or 4x, phpBB 3, SMF 1.1.x, MyBB 1.4, Magento, Moodle, DokuWiki, Gallery 2, osCommerce & Clones, eFront, Wordpress and a few others i think you can bridge 2 joomla site too it will bridge all of this together and you can set vbulletin as the master login or any other software that it supports.
so you will not have to worry about the special characters you can just set vbulletin as the master login