I need help with 301 redirecting my vBSEO URLs to the original vB URLs so that I can remove vBSEO from my forums.
My URL Structure is this:
Forum: [forum_title]/
Forum Pagination: [forum_title]/themen-uebersicht-seite[forum_page].html
Thread: [forum_title]/[thread_title]-t[thread_id].html
Thread Pagination: [forum_title]/[thread_title]-t[thread_id]-s[thread_page].html
'Showpost': [forum_title]/[thread_title]-beitrag[post_count]-p[post_id].html
Poll: [forum_title]/umfrage-[poll_title]-p[poll_id].html
Member Profile: mitglieder/[user_name]-u[user_id].html
The most important rewrites are the forum and subforum rewrites and the thread rewrites.
The rest would be super cool bonus help
I attached my complete rewrite Settings
Any help is much appreciated