Originally Posted by Alan_SP
This is something I too would like to have very much.
EDIT: And yes, how we can enable spiders, especially Google and Google AdSense to freely scan our sites?
Ahh yes thanks for reminding me. As far as the bots the new version allows bots to bypass the checks. If you are still noticing bots being blocked PM me with the name of the bot so I can add them to the white list.
The thread notification is fairly easy to do. I will probably add this to the free version along with the pro. I plan on adding a Database logging through the Admin Panel for larger boards that don't want a flood of PMs/Threads/Emails. Maybe I will come up with a cron job to email weekly when new ones have been logged or possibly even email the log, so that way it is all in one email instead of multiple. The possibilities are endless! lol.