Originally Posted by tbworld
Most likely it is a cookie problem. You might have the scope of your domain set incorrectly either in vbulletin settings or on the Facebook application site.
i have evrything just like the staps i have mead.. in the begin it was working good en now not
--------------- Added [DATE]1383828586[/DATE] at [TIME]1383828586[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by tbworld
Most likely it is a cookie problem. You might have the scope of your domain set incorrectly either in vbulletin settings or on the Facebook application site.
Howe can i fix that cookie problem?
--------------- Added [DATE]1383832790[/DATE] at [TIME]1383832790[/TIME] ---------------
When users try to log in to the forum via facebook connect with their FB name (or username) and password, they are unable to connect in the forum. Evrythy sets i have done is good..
has anyone found a solution to this problem?
thanks for any tips.
--------------- Added [DATE]1383837245[/DATE] at [TIME]1383837245[/TIME] ---------------
when user logged in he loggedin facebook butt not a the vbulletin forum?..