Keep in mind, we still have a few vB licence holders that don't care for vB4 as forum software, but as a preference. Not because it's particularly bad, but because it had a bad introduction. 3.8 is great. I love it, too. But as a point of nostalgia. 4.2 is more modern and is more compliant with modern web standards. Not to contradict Max's statement above, but I would consider 3.8 "stoneage" in the sense that it was originally designed when certain web standards hadn't been fully adopted yet. Most users of 3.8 will start running into issues when modern web browsers, search engines and modifications start adopting more modern tactics. It's fine to use now. I use it now. But only because I can't afford to purchase a new license. As a forum admin, unless you're especially adept at patching and fixing things, you may find yourself forced to upgrade to meet the web's demands in the not-too-distant future.