The goal of this thread really is not to take sides between VBulletin and Xenforo but to support both products.
This thread was intended to reveal the cloudy truth. Many VB customers vent their anger at vb (because of 5.x or lack of listening to customers' demands), by supporting Xenforo and that is part of the big reality but they haven't realized that vb 4.x is still there and can improve a lot until vb 5.x becomes more complete of a product. IB wants $$, so they will do anything to deliver a good product.
Now for Xenforo, I don't see how possibly a team of 2-3 developers will be able to reach VB level of default features so soon, that is why they will need at least take 2-3 years of development,it is far from complete. For ex they took a short cut toward the editor features by not implementing CKeditor, that is time consuming, something they won't spend time on because they don't have the capability, they don't have that many developers.
This is all about time and competition and for vb 5.x to become more complete, they will need 2-3 years, and same goes for Xenforo.
But VB has a long history and we customers should not be put in a situation where we have to decide which team should we support and join because i am one of many refusing to join the bandwagon.
Mike has pointed out the truth:
I've seen many say "I'm no longer coding for vB only Xenforo" and that's just stupid to say and do in my opinion - if you have talent and are in it to make money (why you argued you ran to xen in the first place i.e. paid mod area/selling them there etc) then why not code for both?